Ensuring Trust and Authenticity

Validating a certificate issued by SHE Organization provides assurance that the certificate holder has successfully completed our accredited safety and health programs. Employers and organizations can use this service to verify the authenticity of certificates presented to them, helping to maintain a safe and compliant workspace.


STEP 1: Enter your certificate number as found in your certificate

STEP 2: Press ‘submit’ button to verify. You will receive a message if valid or not

Important Note

Certificate validation is an essential step in verifying the qualification of individuals holding SHE Organization Certificates. We encourage all employers and certificate recipients to use the service to maintain the highest stands of safety and health education.

Results of Validation

Certificate is Valid: This means that the certificate is genuine and issued by SHE Organization You can trust its authenticity. Certificate is not Valid: If the certificate is not valid, it may not be issued by SHE Organization. Please double-check the certificate details and contact us for further assistance. 

Contact Us

If you encounter any issues during the certificate validation process or have questions about the validity of a certificate, please feel free to contact our support team at We’re here to assist you in ensuring the authenticity of SHE Organization certificates.

We encourage all employers and certificate recipients to use this service to maintain the highest standards of safety and health education. Trust in the authenticity of your safety and health certificates with SHE Organization’s certificate validation service.Â